Sunshine Health OTC Catalog
The Sunshine Health OTC catalog 2024 shows all OTC products you can purchase with your OTC card. You can purchase products from the store, by phone or online. Featuring dozens of OTC products, the OTC catalog Sunshine Health makes it easy to get what you need. Thus, it offers you OTC options to have a healthier life.

What Is an OTC Catalog?
OTC catalog is a mini brochure with a list of OTC products you can purchase. You can purchase all the products in this brochure using your Sunshine Health OTC card. Prices, product options, brands and sizes are included in the OTC catalogue. You can only use your OTC balance when choosing among these products.
As the Sunshine Health OTC catalog is updated every year, its product diversity increases. In this way, you will not have any difficulty in purchasing the products you want. The balance loaded to your OTC card also varies from year to year. However, if you have an OTC card, you can benefit from all the products in the catalogue. Moreover, you can order the catalog by calling the call center or visit the Sunshine Health website to review the online catalogue.
What Is OTC in Pharmacy?
You have many OTC products available for purchase in the Pharmacy section as well. When purchasing among OTC products, you cannot go beyond the catalog products. Additionally, many drug groups contain fewer active ingredients than prescription ones. Therefore, you do not need a doctor’s prescription to use it. Pharmacy products that you can purchase and use your OTC rights are included in the Sunshine Health OTC CVS catalogue.
Pharmacy OTC contains many medications, especially painkillers and antipyretics. There are various medication options such as stomach protectors, indigestion medications, and digestive medications. Products such as many painkillers and antibiotic creams, allergy medications, and antihistamine sprays with low active ingredients are also among OTC medications.
What Is OTC Retail?

OTC retail includes companies that have agreements with health insurance companies. OTC retail companies, which are also used in-network, sell the products included in the Sunshine Health OTC order online 2024 catalog. Users with a Sunshine Health OTC card can purchase OTC products and services from these stores.
OTC retails obtain regular customers thanks to the agreements made. OTC cards are validated at the checkout or on online websites. It also helps to make the best use of OTC rights thanks to product options, campaigns, and stocks. The most important retailer for Sunshine Health is CVS. You can view all the products you can buy thanks to the OTC CVS Sunshine Health catalog.
What Is the OTC Allowance?

An OTC allowance is a payment given monthly or quarterly. This payment is only valid for designated OTC products. Which products you can purchase are listed in the CVS Sunshine Health OTC catalog. The products available here allow you to pay with your OTC card for orders made either online or in physical stores. So, you can have many OTC products without spending money from your pocket.
OTC balances may vary depending on the health plan you have. The more comprehensive your plan, the higher the balance you will receive. Apart from OTC products, you can also spend on OTC services, food, transportation, and invoices. You can freely spend this balance, which is generally valid for over-the-counter products, on CVS OTC catalog Sunshine Health products.
What Is OTC in Europe?
Over the counter in Europe means that drugs with lower active ingredients are sold without a prescription. Many treatment and health products are called OTC products. Non-prescription medications are less effective than prescription medications because they can be used without needing a prescription from a licensed healthcare professional. However, if it is not used correctly, it can be a health threat.
If you have an OTC card obtained through your health insurance, you can make your expenses by reviewing the Sunshine Health OTC Catalog 2024. This catalog includes over-the-counter products you can purchase, personal care items and much more. Thanks to CVS OTC Sunshine Health catalog, you can get the needs you need for a healthy life without paying any money.
How Does OTC Work?
To get OTC, you must first apply for a health plan through Sunshine Health. This health plan is determined by your wants and needs. If you have OTC benefits in your plan, you can start using OTC benefits once you get your health insurance. OTC benefits are effective in many health-related areas. The most used feature is payments made to OTC flex card. You can use the funds you receive on all products in the CVS OTC Sunshine Health Catalog 2024.
OTC doesn’t just let you get over-the-counter products for free. It also allows you to have routine eye, dental and hearing exams once a year. It reduces your in-network and out-of-network doctor costs. It allows you to receive many health services free of charge or at affordable prices. In addition, it helps you meet the health-related needs of yourself and your home thanks to monthly or quarterly payments. These products are updated annually and are included in the Sunshine Health OTC Catalog 2024.
What Is an OTC Example?
OTC is not a concept that only represents drug groups in medicine. According to the FDA, cleaning products, some household items, and personal care products are also included in the non-prescription drug group, even though their active ingredients are very low. If you are wondering whether a product is OTC or not, you can review the Sunshine Health 2024 OTC catalogue. Some of the OTC products are:
- Painkillers, antipyretics, flu medicines, etc.
- Toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, etc.
- First aid kits
- Some vitamins, minerals, and other supplements
- Detergent, soap, shampoo
- Cleaning products
- Personal care products
- Adult products
- Baby care etc.
The OTC Sunshine Health catalog contains multiple products for each group. You can choose among these products the ones that suit your budget, taste, and needs. You can also try different brands and find the right product for a healthier life.
How Do I Pay With OTC?

To pay via OTC, you must have an OTC card. After activating your card, you can start making payments. Your OTC card is not valid for every product. You can only use it on products included in the Sunshine Health OTC Catalog 2024. You can use 3 different methods to make OTC payments.
- Using POS devices in stores
- Creating an order by calling
- Online order
For your OTC card to be valid for all options, you must have chosen only the OTC products in the catalogue. If an OTC product is out of stock, you can benefit from another equivalent product.
To make payments on physical POS devices, you can only choose one of Sunshine Health’s in-network stores. You can use the stores closest to you. All you must do is say that you want to pay with your OTC card at the checkout. Here you can combine 2 payment methods. If you want to use more than the balance on your card, you can pay using another card or cash.
When ordering by phone or using online ordering, you can easily purchase the products you choose with an OTC card. The products you order will automatically be deducted from the balance on your card. However, you cannot spend more than your card balance in either method.
Why Do People Use OTC?
OTC offers you many advantages. You have the chance to spend your healthcare expenses on better quality products. Also, no extra money will come out of your pocket. You will be advantageous because you can meet many of your needs with OTC products. One of the reasons why people choose OTC is the benefits Sunshine Health offers. You can make your shopping easier, safer, and faster. Moreover, you do not pay additional fees for mail sent to your home.
OTC rights vary from plan to plan. If you want to evaluate it according to your plan, you can log in to the Sunshine Health website and view your benefits. OTC payments can be valid in many areas such as food, transportation, medicine, health products and bills. Thus, your allowances will increase, and you will become more economical in many matters in your life. Additionally, thanks to OTC, you protect yourself by not exceeding the maximum payment amounts you can make.